Project Management - Templates, Checklists and Tips

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DE - ES - ITIL Project Management Templates - ITIL Project Management Checklistsdiese Seite auf Deutschesta página en español
DE - ES - ITIL Project Management Templates - ITIL Project Management Checklists

Project Management templates and checklists
Project Management Templates

The purpose of this collection of project management templates, project management checklists and tips is to plan, implement and manage projects professionally – which of course includes also ITIL implementation projects.

The documents are designed to provide practical support for anyone assigned to do the actual "project work". However, they are also well suited for improving the organization and implementation of some of the day-to-day routine operations.

Here, you will find information about the following points:

  • Standard terms used in project management
  • Appropriate project organization as well as the roles and responsibilities to be defined
  • General conditions and standards of project managements
  • Guidelines for the use of planning tools and methods
  • Tips and relevant practical notes
  • Standard forms and checklists to be used in project management.

Project Management
Templates, checklists and tips
Project Stage Category Template/ Checklist Details
General Princi­ples of Project Manage­ment Arranging meetings

Checklist: Prepara­tion of a meeting

These items should be con­sidered when planning a meeting.

Template: Agenda of a project meeting

This template will help you deter­mine the items on the agenda for a project meeting.

Checklist: Organi­zing a meeting

A clearly organized meeting can be held without un­necessary inter­ruptions. This checklist provides guidance.

Checklist: Tips for chairing a project meeting

Helps you deal con­fidently with a difficult situation in a project meeting.

Template: Project Meeting Minutes

This template is used to document the results and resolu­tions of a project meeting.

Leader­ship/ Commu­ni­cation

Checklist: Leader­ship tech­niques in a project

The various types of leader­ship in a project, their characte­ristics, ad­vantages and dis­advan­tages.

Checklist: Compe­ten­cies of the team members

The right composition of the project team is a key factor to the success of the project. When selecting the team members, professi­onal as well as inter­personal aspects are of major impor­tance.

Checklist: Compe­ten­cies of the project manager

These are the skills which a project manager needs to success­fully manage the customers and the team.
Project Initi­ation

Project goals

Checklist: Criteria and rules to be used when defining the project goal

These are the general conditions which should be con­sidered when formu­lating the project goal.

Project organi­zation

Checklist: Project organi­zation

Exe­cutive, Project Board, Project Manage­ment and Project Team – the various project roles, their tasks and respon­sibi­lities.

Note: All checklists related to project management are available in PDF format. In addition, the project management templates are provided as a Microsoft Word® template in packed form (ZIP file). To unpack the ZIP file, you can use for example 7-Zip offered free of charge by 7-Zip.


[ Infobox ]

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Image: Project Management Templates (.JPG)
Author: , IT Process Maps