Organizational Structure of the Project (schematic)
Project roles
Tasks and responsibilities
Role and tasks description:
The Executive commissions the project team members to execute the project. His tasks are as follows:
He defines the project goals and objectives as well as the requirements/ contents of the project
He authorizes the project order
He solves escalated conflicts
He participates in the definition of performance indicators
He accepts the project outcomes
The Executive decides about the general conditions which form the operational framework for the project manager. He deals with all topics that the project manager has escalated and makes the necessary decisions in a timely manner.
Upon request of the project manager, the Executive provides the necessary resources (manpower, equipment etc.) in due time.
Project Board/ Steering Committee
Role and tasks description:
The Project Board (often referred to as the Steering Committee) is the highest-level body and as such responsible for the strategy to be applied and the control to be exercised in the project. It takes company-wide but also cross-company strategic decisions and controls the progress of the project with regard to dates, risks and costs.
The Project Board serves as the strategy and control body within the project and is primarily responsible for ensuring the fulfillment of the following tasks:
It authorizes the overall project plan in compliance with the project order.
It is the decision-making body in case of target/actual variances.
It sets priorities.
It coordinates the project procedures.
It decides on and approves the project outcomes.
It represents the project.
Removal of stumbling blocks.
The Project Board meets in regular intervals. It is, however, possible that experts in specific fields or other competent staff members are also invited to contribute their professional knowledge to the discussion of certain topics. If required, the project manager can call in an extraordinary Project Board meeting.
Project Manager
Role and tasks description:
The project manager is responsible for the day-to-day operational aspects of the project for the purpose of accomplishing the project goals and objectives in the best possible way and within the pre-defined general conditions. This includes also the representation of the project vis-à-vis third parties (i.e. other departments concerned, line managers of project team members etc.).
The project manager’s primary tasks include:
Order clarification
Project planning (definition of milestones and activities, cost and time estimate)
Project control
Project controlling/ status review (determination of actual/target variances in the project and information about the project status)
Submission of the results to the Project Board
Escalation of issues if pre-defined deadlines or costs are not met
Preparation of the End Project Report
Ensures the flow of information within his own department as well as to the other project managers
Makes sure that the project goals and objectives in terms of deadlines and financial outcome as defined in the project order are met while observing the pre-defined general conditions.
Uses the resources provided (staff, time, funds, other resources) economically
Informs the Project Board in a timely manner if deadlines are at risk and suggests appropriate corrective action.
A project manager should possess a technical understanding of the project. However, it is rather disadvantageous if the relevant expert for the technical contents of the project simultaneously assumes the role of the project manager; in such cases there is a risk of the coordination activities not being adequately dealt with.
Sub-project Manager/ People responsible for defined work packages
Role and tasks description:
The sub-project managers are responsible for the day-to-day operational aspects of their respective sub-project for the purpose of accomplishing the project goals and objectives in the best possible way and within the pre-defined general conditions.
The sub-project manager
prepares detailed sub-project plans
timely informs the project manager about changes in the time schedule or cost overruns
informs about the status of the sub-project
presents the target/actual variances that have incurred in his part of the project at the status meeting
consults his team about the contents and deadlines of the sub-project tasks
Provision of the deliverables of the respective sub-project in compliance with the agreed time schedule and the budget.
Project Team
Role and tasks description:
The project team is essentially in charge of achieving the project goals and objectives. It is set up especially for a specific project and is dissolved again after the closure of the project.
The members of the project team report to the project manager.
Usually, a project team consists of a core and a specialized team.
Core team
Supports the project manager in determining the progress of the project, in preparing decisions and alternative options.
Is responsible for implementing the work packages
Specialized team
Supports the project in developing solutions to achieve the project goal
Is responsible for the accurateness of the technical input
Hence, the project team is in charge of the following tasks:
Completion of tasks in line with the defined work packages/ sub-projects
Working towards achieving the expected outcomes of the work packages/ sub-projects
Provision of input in respect of the desired outcomes
The project team informs the (sub)project manager about the status of the activities and the reasons for possible changes in the time schedule.
For a project to be successful the composition of the team is a decisive factor! As a rule, the members of a project team are people with different fields of activity and responsibility who should communicate in a favorable working atmosphere. Therefore, it is not only the professional knowledge and the methodological skills of each individual that are important, but also the social skills.
For the decision as to which staff members should join the project team it should be considered to what extent their regular workload allows them to participate. The orderly running of the business must not be impaired, i.e. it must be ensured that the usual quantities and qualities are delivered.