Financial Management for IT Services

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Revision as of 10:03, 27 July 2011 by Andrea (talk | contribs)

<seo metakeywords="Financial Management for IT Services" metadescription="→ See also Financial Management ITIL V3. Process Objective: ... ensures the most economical usage of IT Financial resources and charges clients ..." />

ITIL V2 Financial Management for IT Services
ITIL V2 Financial Management for IT Services

ITIL Version: ITIL V2 see also Financial Management - ITIL V3

Process-Objective: Financial Management for IT Services ensures the most economical usage of IT Financial resources and charges clients for the provision of IT Services. During this, a balanced relationship between quality and costs must be achieved whilst taking into account the client's requirements. The carrying out of the regular budget planning and the clearance of approved financial means is also one of Financial Management's tasks.

Part of: Service Delivery

Process Owner: Financial Manager for IT Services


Overview of Financial Management for IT Services

Define Structures for Financial Management
Process objective: Define the structures necessary for the management of financial planning data and costs, as well as for the allocation of costs to IT Services.
Carry out Budget Planning Session
Process objective: Carrying out the budget planning session for a particular planning period, taking into account the interests of business and IT organisation, so that the best possible use is made of the available financial resources.
Operational Administration of IT Budget
Process objective: Monitoring of the actual usage of the IT budget, so that only previously planned expenditures are made; handling of unforeseen budget requirements.
Allocate Costs for the Provision of IT Services
Process objective: Allocation of the costs incurred within the IT organisation, so that these can be apportioned to the individual IT Services.
Issue Invoice for IT Services
Process objective: Issuing of an invoice for the provision of IT Services and transmission of this invoice to the client.
Carry out Financial Management Reporting
Process objective: Reporting on planned/ actual figures regarding costs for providing IT Services, revenues, and IT budget, as well as on identified potentials for cost-optimisation.
Optimise Costs of Providing IT Services
Process objective: Identification of potentials for cost-optimisation with regards to the provision of IT services.

Involved Roles

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