Release and Deployment Management

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<seo metakeywords="release management process, deployment management, release and deployment management, itil release management, itil release and deployment" metadescription="Release and Deployment Management: ITIL process definition - subprocesses - Additional information on ITIL Release Management." />

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ITIL Release and Deployment Management: Overview

Process Objective: To plan, schedule and control the movement of releases to test and live environments. The primary goal of Release and Deployment Management is to ensure that the integrity of the live environment is protected and that the correct components are released.

Part of: Service Transition

Process Owner: Release Manager

ITIL Release and Deployment Management: Process Definition

Release & Deployment Management

Essentially, the activities and process objectives of the Release and Deployment Management process in ITIL V3 are identical to Release Management in ITIL V2. ITIL V3 provides considerably more details in the areas of Release planning and testing; this led to the addition of two dedicated processes in ITIL V3 which were subsumed under Release Management in the previous ITIL version:

  • Project Management (Transition Planning and Support)
  • Service Validation and Testing

The following sub-processes are part of Release & Deployment Management according to ITIL V3:


Release Management Support
Process Objective: To provide guidelines and support for the deployment of Releases.
Minor Release Deployment
Process Objective: To deploy minor, low-risk Releases into the productive environment. This process is used as a streamlined way to deploy Releases which do not require full-scale project planning and quality assurance, as they are limited in size and their associated risk is low and well understood.
Release Build
Process Objective: To issue all necessary Work Orders and Purchase Requests so that Release Components are either bought from outside vendors or developed/ customized in-house.
Release Deployment
Process Objective: To deploy the Release components into the live production environment. This process is also responsible for training end-users and operating staff, as well as circulating information/ documentation on the newly deployed Release or the services it supports.
Early Life Support
Process Objective: To resolve operational issues quickly during an initial period after Release deployment, and to remove any remaining errors or deficiencies.
Release Closure
Process Objective: To formally close a Release after verifying if activity logs and CMS contents are up to date.


Use the following links to open the process overview of Release & Deployment Management showing the most important interfaces:

Related ITIL Glossary Terms

Development Work Order
A Work Order for the development or customization of an application or system, typically issued from Release Management.
Installation Work Order
A Work Order for the installation of an application, system or infrastructure component, typically issued from Release Management.
Release Policy
A set of rules for deploying releases into the live operational environment, defining different approaches for releases depending on their urgency and impact.
Release Record
A Release Record contains all details of a Release, documenting the history of the Release from the first planning stages to closure.

Additional Information on Release and Deployment Management


ITIL Roles in Release and Deployment Management

Release Manager - Process Owner
The Release Manager is responsible for planning, scheduling and controlling the movement of Releases to test and live environments.
His primary objective is to ensure that the integrity of the live environment is protected and that the correct components are released.
IT Operator
IT Operators are the staff who perform the day-to-day operational activities.
Typical responsibilities include: Performing backups, ensuring that scheduled jobs are performed, installing standard equipment in the data centre.

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