KPIs IT Security Management
<seo metakeywords="kpi information security management, kpis information security management, itil information security kpi, kpi itil security management, kpis itil security management" metadescription="ITIL Information Security Management: The most important ITIL KPIs - ITIL Key Performance Indicators." />
ITIL Process: ITIL 2011 Service Design - Information Security Management
Source: Key Performance Indicators for ITIL Security Management from the ITIL Process Map
Key Performance Indicator (KPI) | Definition |
Number of implemented Preventive Measures | Number of preventive security measures which were implemented in response to identified security threats |
Implementation Duration | Duration from the identification of a security threat to the implementation of a suitable counter measure |
Number of major Security Incidents | Number of identified security incidents, classified by severity category |
Number of Security-related Service Downtimes | Number of security incidents causing service interruption or reduced availability |
Number of Security Tests | Number of security tests and trainings carried out |
Number of identified Shortcomings during Security Tests | Number of identified shortcomings in security mechanisms which were identified during tests |
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