Checklist Service Level Agreement (SLA)

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Checklist Service Level Agreement (SLA) - Template Service Level Agreement (SLA)
Checklist Service Level Agreement (SLA) - Template Service Level Agreement (SLA)


→ see also: Checklist SLA according to ITIL 2011, enhanced with many additions

ITIL Process: ITIL V2 Service Delivery - Service Level Management

Checklist Category: Checklists for Service Level Management

Source: Checklist "Service Level Agreement - SLA" from the ITIL Process Map V2


The Service Level Agreement contains the contractually relevant data for an IT Service:

  • Name of the IT Service
  • Clearance information (with location and date)
    • Service Level Manager
    • Client representative
  • Contact persons
    • Name of the Service Provider
    • Name of the Service recipient
    • Contact partners/ persons in charge (on client-side as well as on the side of the IT Organisation) for
      • Contractual changes
      • Complaints and suggestions
      • Escalations in the case of contractual infringements
      • Service reviews
      • Emergencies
  • Contract duration
    • Contract start
    • Contract end
    • Rules for changes to the SLA
      • How are requests for change submitted (deletions, additions or changes to components of the SLA)?
      • How are the requests for change and their implementation controlled?
      • Who is responsible for the clearance of the changes?
    • Rules for termination of the SLA
  • Service description
    • Short description of Service
    • Users of the IT Service on the client-side
    • Breakdown of the offered Service into Service groups, e.g. along infrastructure components or IT applications
    • For each Service group:
      • Which Services are offered, e.g.
        • Handling of Service interruptions (by telephone, by remote access, on site?)
        • User Services (user administration, installation, …)
      • What quality is required of the offered Services, e.g.
        • Service times
        • Availability requirements
          • Number of interruptions allowed
          • Availability thresholds (xx,xx %)
          • Downtimes for maintenance (number of allowed downtimes, pre-notification periods)
          • Procedure for announcing interruptions to the Service (planned/ unplanned)
        • Performance requirements
          • Required capacity (lower/upper limit) for the Service
          • Allowed workload/ usage of the Service
          • Response times from applications
          • Reaction and resolution times (according to priorities, definition of priorities e.g. for the classification of Incidents)
        • Requirements for the maintenance of the Service in the event of a disaster
  • Relations to other IT Services
  • Procedures for requesting the IT Service
    • Requests possible by telephone/fax/mail, ... (addresses, telephone numbers, etc.)
  • Responsibilities
    • Of the client (also within the field of IT Security)
    • Responsibilities and liability of the IT Organisation
  • Quality assurance and Service Level Reporting
    • Measurement procedures
      • Which indicators
      • With which measurement procedures
      • At which intervals
      • Collated into which reports
    • SLA Reviews
      • Intervals at which SLA reviews are to be held
  • Service accounting
    • Costs for the provision of the Service
    • Accounting method for the Service
    • Intervals for invoicing
  • Glossary