Change Management - ITIL V2

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<seo metakeywords="change management itil v2" metadescription="→ See also Change Management ITIL V3. Process Objective: ... all Changes to the IT infrastructure and its components (Configuration Items) are authorized and documented, ..." />

ITIL V2 Change Management
ITIL V2 Change Management

ITIL Version: ITIL V2 see also Change Management - ITIL V3

Process-Objective: In Change Management, all Changes to the IT infrastructure and its components (Configuration Items) are authorised and documented, in order to ensure that interruptive effects upon the running operation are kept to a minimum. The implementation steps are planned and communicated, in order to recognise potential side-effects as early as possible. The Change Manager and (for further-reaching Changes) the Change Advisory Board (CAB) bear the responsibility for this. A specific procedure is in existence for emergencies, dealing with Urgent Changes.

Part of: Service Support

Process Owner: Change Manager


Overview of Change Management

Set Rules for the Handling of Standard Changes
Process objective: Rules are to be set that define explicitly for the IT organisation, which Changes are allowed to be implemented without being subjected to the Change Management Process. For this purpose it is also determined, how these Changes ("Standard Changes") are handled.
Pre-Evaluate RFC
Process objective: It is to be ensured, that only RFC which are in accordance with the defined quality requirements are accepted into the Change Management Process
Register and Classify Change
Process objective: Registration and categorisation of RFCs/ Changes, so that only documented RFCs gain access into the process and are assigned to the correct and appropriate body (Change Manager, CAB, or EC)
Clearance of Change by the Change Manager
Process objective: Clearance or rejection of a Change as well as preliminary scheduling and incorporation into the FSC (Forward Schedule of Changes).
Hold CAB Meeting
Process objective: Clearance or rejection of a Change, in addition to preliminary scheduling and incorporation into the FSC (Forward Schedule of Changes).
Group Changes into Releases
Process objective: Approved Changes are to be grouped into Releases; the clearance for the Rollout is to be issued by Change Management.
Evaluate Change (Post Implementation Review)
Process objective: Appraisal of the process and the results of the Change-implementation, so that a complete documentation is present for later reference and lessons may be learnt from any mistakes.
Handling of Urgent Change by Emergency Committee (EC)
Process objective: Quickest possible clearance or rejection of an Urgent Change, which is to serve to fight an emergency.

Involved Roles

Related Checklists and KPIs



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