Checklist Post Implementation Review (PIR)

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Checklist Post Implementation Review (PIR) - Template Post Implementation Review (PIR)
Checklist Post Implementation Review (PIR) - Template Post Implementation Review (PIR)


ITIL Process: ITIL Service Transition - Change Management

Checklist Category: ITIL Templates - Change Management

Source: Checklist "Post Implementation Review - PIR" from the ITIL Process Map V2  | ⯈  ITIL Process Map V3


An investigation takes place during the Post Implementation Review (PIR), as to whether the following information related to the implementation is entered into the Change Record:

  • Functional and operational tests
    • Operational tests
      • Begin
      • End
    • User tests
      • Begin
      • End
    • Summary of Test results
  • Actual implementation
    • Begin
    • End
  • Acceptance Tests
    • Begin
    • End
    • Date of acceptance
    • Where necessary, with which restrictions?
  • Time and effort
    • Actual time and effort for the implementation
  • Statements as to the achievement of objectives
    • Objectives of the Change achieved?
    • Where necessary, with which restrictions?
  • Cost, time and effort adhered to for the implementation?
  • Findings arising from the implementation and lessons in order to avoid future mistakes
  • Closure date of the Change Record


By:  Stefan Kempter , IT Process Maps.