Project Management Checklist - Organizing a Meeting

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DE - ES - Project Management Checklist - Organizing a Meeting

Project Management Checklists: General Principles of Project Management

Checklist Category: Arranging meetings

Download: Checklist: "Organizing a Meeting" (.pdf)

Checklist Project Management: Arranging Meetings
- Organizing a Meeting -

Item Task Details
1 Introduction
  • Welcome participants/ establish contact
  • Open the meeting
  • Present the topic
    • Reason for/topic of the meeting
    • Aim/purpose of the meeting
  • Present outline and aim of the individual sections
  • Explain organization
    • Speakers/ times/ breaks
    • Discussion rules
    • Indication of who is taking the minutes
2 Execution
  • Explain starting situation= current state
    • Ensure a uniform level of information
  • Discussion
    • Ideas, opinions, suggestions
  • Record and visualize partial results
  • Schedule tasks and assign them to the responsible people
3 Evaluation
  • Motivate decisions
  • Record tasks/ outcomes/ decisions in the meeting minutes
4 Farewell
  • Preview of next meeting
  • Thank participants for attending
5 Follow-up
  • Make sure a responsible person and a date are mentioned for each decision.
  • When a lot of dates must be monitored, a checklist of open issues may prove useful. This list should be taken from meeting to meeting.


Project Management Checklist:
Organizing a meeting
(free download)
Checklist: Organizing a meeting (.pdf)