Definition of Improvement Initiatives

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ITIL Definition of CSI Initiatives: Overview

Process Objective: To define specific initiatives aimed at improving services and processes, based on the results of service and process evaluation. The resulting initiatives are either internal initiatives pursued by the service provider on his own behalf, or initiatives which require the customer’s cooperation.

Part of: Continual Service Improvement

Process Owner: CSI Manager

ITIL Definition of CSI Initiatives: Process Definition

ITIL Definition of CSI Initiatives

ITIL V2 contained some Continual Service Improvement activities within the Service Level Management process, for example holding Service Reviews and managing a Service Improvement Plan.

ITIL V3 expands this into a whole new book, introducing dedicated processes for service and process evaluation and improvement.


No sub-processes are specified for Definition of Improvement Initiatives according to ITIL V3.


Use the following links to open the process overview "Definition of CSI Initiatives" showing the most important interfaces:

ITIL Terms: Definition of CSI Initiatives

Service Improvement Plan (SIP)
A formal plan to implement improvements to IT processes or services. The SIP is used to manage and log measures initiated from Continual Service Improvement (see also: ITIL Checklist Service Improvement Plan - SIP).

Additional Information

ITIL KPIs and Checklists

ITIL Roles in Definition of CSI Initiatives

CSI Manager - Process Owner
The Continual Service Improvement (CSI) Manager is responsible for managing improvements to IT Service Management processes and IT services.
He will continually measure the performance of the service provider and design improvements to processes, services and infrastructure in order to increase efficiency, effectiveness, and cost effectiveness.

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