ITIL KPIs Service Transition

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ITIL Process: Service Transition according to ITIL V3

ITIL KPIs Change Management

Key performance Indicator (KPI) Definition
Number of Major Changes Number of major changes, which necessitate approval by the CAB (Change Advisory Board)
Number of CAB Meetings Number of CAB (Change Advisory Board) meetings
Time for Change Clearance Average time from registering an RFC with Change Management until Change clearance
Change Acceptance Rate Number of accepted vs. rejected RFCs

ITIL KPIs Release and Deployment Management

Key performance Indicator (KPI) Definition
Number of Major Releases Number of major Releases rolled out into the productive environment
Duration of Rollouts Average duration of Rollouts from clearance until completion
Number of Release Backouts Number of Releases in need to be reversed
Incidents Caused by New Releases Number of incidents attributable to New Releases
Release Rollout Punctuality Proportion of Releases finalised within the agreed schedule
Work Effort for Releases Work effort for the Rollout of new Releases
Proportion of Automatic Release Distribution Proportion of new Releases distributed automatically

ITIL KPIs Service Asset and Configuration Management

Key performance Indicator (KPI) Definition
Verification Frequency Frequency of physical verifications of CMDB contents
Verification Duration Average duration for physical verifications of the CMDB contents
Effort for CMDB Verifications Average work effort for physical verifications of the CMDB contents
CMDB Coverage Percentage of configuration components for which data is kept in the CMDB
Automatic CMDB Update Percentage of configuration components for which data in the CMDB is updated automatically
Number of CMDB Errors Number of occasions when CMDB contents are found to be incorrect
  • (i.e. restrospective Changes are carried out)