Release Management

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ITIL Version: ITIL Version 2 (ITIL V2)

Process-Objective: Release Management is the central responsible body for the implementation of Changes to the IT Infrastructure, so that these are carried out in an effective, secure and verifiable manner. Their tasks include planning, monitoring and implementation of respective Rollouts or Rollins in co-ordination with Change Management.

Part of: Service Support

Process Owner: Release Manager


Overview of Release Management

Plan Rollout
Process objective: Planning of the Rollout in detail and devising the necessary technical concepts for the distribution of the Release.
Develop Distribution and Back-out Procedures
Process objective: Development of technical and/ or organisational procedures for the distribution of the new Release components, as well as back-out solutions in case of unpredicted problems.
Test Release
Process objective: The Release components and the distribution and back-out procedures are to be submitted to a realistic test, so that a substantiated decision can be made with regards to the go-ahead of the Rollout.
Carry out Rollout
Process objective: Rolling-out of the Release components into the productive IT environment and ensuring that the Rollout was successful.

Involved Roles

Related Checklists and KPIs



Related ITIL Glossary Terms