ITIL KPIs Service Strategy

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<seo metakeywords="itil kpis service strategy, kpis service strategy, kpis service strategy itil, kpis strategy management" metadescription="Service Strategy: The most important ITIL KPIs - ITIL Key Performance Indicators ITIL Service Strategy." />

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DE - ES - ITIL KPI's Service Strategy

ITIL Process: Service Strategy according to ITIL 2011

Source: Key Performance Indicators for ITIL Service Strategy from the ITIL Process Map

→ back to: ITIL Key Performance Indicators


ITIL KPIs Strategy Management for IT Services and Service Portfolio Management

Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Definition
Number of Planned New Services
  • Percentage of new services which are developed following a strategic review
Number of Unplanned New Services
  • Percentage of new services which are developed without being triggered by strategic reviews
Number of Strategic Initiatives
  • Number of strategic initiatives launched from the Service Portfolio Management process
Number of new Customers
  • Number of newly won customers
Number of lost Customers
  • Number of customers which were lost to competing service providers



ITIL KPIs Financial Management

Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Definition
Adherence to Budgeting Process
  • Percent of projects using the standard IT budgeting process
Cost-/ Benefit Estimation
  • Percent of project files containing cost-/ benefit estimates
Post Implementation Review
  • Percent of projects where costs and benefits are verified after implementation
Adherence to Approved Budget
  • Percent of IT expenses exceeding the approved budget
Adherence to Project Resources
  • Percent of expenses exceeding the planned budget for a project
Proposals for Cost Optimization
  • Number of proposals by Financial Management for the optimized use of financial resources



ITIL KPIs Business Relationship Management

Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Definition
Number of Customer Complaints
  • Number of received customer complaints
Number of accepted Customer Complaints
  • Number of received customer complaints which were accepted as justified
Number of Customer Satisfaction Surveys
  • Number of formal Customer Satisfaction Surveys carried out during the reporting period
Percentage of returned Questionnaires
  • Percentage of questionnaires returned, in relation to all questionnaires being sent out
Customer Satisfaction per Service
  • Average measured customer satisfaction for each Service (including standard deviation), determined by means of Customer Satisfaction Surveys.