Process Evaluation

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ITIL Process Evaluation: Overview

Process Objective: To evaluate processes on a regular basis. This includes identifying areas where the targeted process metrics are not reached, and holding regular benchmarkings, audits, maturity assessments and reviews.

Part of: Continual Service Improvement

Process Owner: Process Manager

ITIL Process Evaluation: Process Definition

ITIL Process Evaluation

ITIL V2 contained some Continual Service Improvement activities within the Service Level Management process, for example holding Service Reviews and managing a Service Improvement Plan.

ITIL V3 expands this into a whole new book, introducing dedicated processes for service and process evaluation and improvement.

The following sub-processes are part of ITIL Process Evaluation:


Process Management Support
Process Objective: To support all parties involved in managing and improving processes, in particular the Process Owners. This process will also coordinate all modifications to processes and update the Process Architecture, thereby making sure that all processes cooperate in a seamless way.
Process Benchmarking
Process Objective: To evaluate processes in relation to comparable organizations, with the aim of identifying shortcomings and developing plans for process improvement.
Process Maturity Assessment
Process Objective: To evaluate processes in relation to best practice, with the aim of identifying shortcomings and developing plans for improvement (see Process Evaluation Report).
Process Audit
Process Objective: To perform process audits in order to certify compliance of the processes with certain standards or regulatory requirements.
Process Control and Review
Process Objective: To submit processes to regular reviews, and to identify process weaknesses which should be addressed by process improvement initiatives.


Use the following links to open the process overview of Process Evaluation showing the most important interfaces:

ITIL Terms: Process Evaluation

Change Request to Process Architecture
A request to change or extend the Process Architecture, usually issued from the Service Design process when the introduction or modification of a service is not possible within the constraints of the existing process framework.
CSI Metric (KPI)
Metrics (Key Performance Indicators – KPIs) define what is to be measured and reported to help manage a process or service. KPIs are usually confined to specific subject areas (e.g. Mean Time To Repair – MTTR is confined to Availability Management).
KPI Target Value
The to-be value of a Key Performance Indicator (KPI). It is the responsibility of the Process Owners to manage and optimize processes so that KPI targets are achieved.
Process Architecture
An overview of all processes and process interfaces, used as a tool to make sure that all processes within an organization cooperate in a seamless way.
Process Design
The description of a process including its in- and outputs, activities, and responsibilities. Process Designs are under the control of Process Management.
Process Evaluation Report
The results from a Process Maturity Assessment, Benchmarking, Audit, or Process Review, including identified shortcomings and areas which must be addressed by improvement initiatives.
Suggested Process Improvement
Suggestions for improving Service Management processes, handed over to the Continual Service Improvement process. Suggestions for process improvements may originate from anywhere within the IT organization.

Additional Information on Process Evaluation


ITIL Roles in Process Evaluation

Process Manager - Process Owner
The Process Manager is responsible for planning and coordinating all Process Management activities.
He supports all parties involved in managing and improving processes, in particular the Process Owners.
This role will also coordinate all Changes to processes, thereby making sure that all processes cooperate in a seamless way.
Process Owner
A role responsible for ensuring that a process is fit for purpose. The Process Owner’s responsibilities include sponsorship, design, and continual improvement of the process and its metrics.
This role is often assigned to staff holding one of the major Service Management roles (e.g. the Incident Manager is the Process Owner of the Incident Management process).

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