Change Management

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ITIL Version: ITIL Version 3 (ITIL V3)

Process Objective: To control the lifecycle of all Changes. The primary objective of Change Management is to enable beneficial Changes to be made, with minimum disruption to IT services.

Part of: Service Transition

Process Owner: Change Manager

ITIL V3 vs. ITIL V2: Change Management

  • Essentially, the activities and process objectives of the Change Management process are identical in ITIL V2 and V3
  • ITIL V3 introduces "Change Models", putting more emphasis on defining different types of Changes and how they are to be handled
  • Emergency Changes in ITIL V3 are authorized by the Emergency Change Advisory Board (ECAB), which was known as the Emergency Committee (EC) in ITIL V2

Sub-Processes of Change Management (ITIL V3)

Overview of the Change Management Process, ITIL V3 (.pdf)
Change Management Support
Process Objective: To provide templates and guidance for the authorization of Changes, and to supply the other IT Service Management processes with information on planned and ongoing Changes.
RFC Logging and Pre-Evaluation
Process Objective: To filter out Requests for Change which do not contain all information required for assessment or which are deemed impractical.
RFC Classification
Process Objective: To verify if the priority of the proposed Change was correctly set by the initiator, and to determine the adequate level of authority to approve or reject the RFC.
Assessment of Urgent RFC by the ECAB
Process Objective: To authorize, adjust or reject an urgent Request for Change as quickly as possible. This process is invoked if normal Change Management procudures cannot be applied because an emergency requires immediate action.
Change Assessment by the Change Manager
Process Objective: To authorize or reject a proposed Change as well as to ensure a preliminary scheduling and incorporation into the Change Schedule.
Change Assessment by the CAB
Process Objective: To authorize or reject a proposed Change as well as to ensure a preliminary scheduling and incorporation into the Change Schedule.
Change Scheduling
Process Objective: To agree a preliminary schedule for Change implementation and to transfer responsibility for Change deployment to Project and Release Management.
Change Evaluation (Post Implementation Review)
Process Objective: To assess the course of the Change implementation and the achieved results, in order to verify that a complete history if activities is present for future reference, and to make sure that any mistakes are analysed and lessons learned.

Related Key Performance Indicators

Roles and Boards within Change Management (ITIL V3)