About ITIL

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About ITIL - What is ITIL
About ITIL - What is ITIL

Here you will find all the necessary information to become acquainted with ITIL® - the IT Infrastructure Library.


What is ITIL?

In the first instance, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the basic ideas behind ITIL, as the ITIL terms and acronyms are more comprehensible when seen in context. In this way, the meaning of the various ITIL disciplines and ITIL processes becomes apparent.


The following information will help you in this respect:

History of ITIL ITIL development and philosophy
Basic Ideas behind ITIL A primer on the most important ITIL principles


ITIL Reference Information

In addition, the ITIL Wiki offers extensive information on ITIL and related topics:

ITIL Processes Complete descriptions of the ITIL 2011 processes
ITIL Templates and Checklists A comprehensive collection of free ITIL templates and ITIL checklists
ITIL Roles Definitions of the ITIL roles
ITIL Glossary Navigable glossary of ITIL terms and acronyms (ITIL 2011, ITIL V3 2007 and V2); the common terminology related to IT Service Management (ITSM)
ITIL KPIs Key Performance Indicators for IT Service Management
ITIL V3 vs. ITIL 2011 Comparison between ITIL V3 and ITIL 2011 - the main changes and differences
ITIL Process Chains Visualizations of important chains of processes which help to get an insight into how the ITIL processes co-operate in practice
ISO 20000 ISO/IEC 20000 and how it compares to ITIL
More on ITIL Additional information on ITIL - Literature and ITIL/ ITSM links


Advice for introducing ITIL successfully

Implementation projects with the aim of introducing an IT Service Management according to ITIL are characterized by a typical course of action. This is independent of the size of the company and its core business.

On ITIL implementation projects
ITIL process templates as a way to save effort
ITIL implementation in 10 steps