Checklist Configuration Item (CI) Record

From IT Process Wiki

Checklist Configuration Item (CI) Record - Template Configuration Item (CI) Record
Checklist Configuration Item (CI) Record - Template Configuration Item (CI) Record


→ see also: ITIL Checklist CMS/ CMDB, enhanced with many additions

ITIL Process: ITIL V2 Service Support - Configuration Management

Checklist Category: ITIL Templates - Configuration Management

Source: Checklist "Configuration Item - CI Record" from the ITIL Process Map V2  | ⯈  ITIL Process Map V3


A CI Record within the CMDB contains the following data:

  • Unique identifier
  • Name
  • Description
  • Person in charge
  • Classification
    • Category (e.g. Hardware, Software, ...)
    • Type (e.g. Server, Printer, ... - refinement of the classification into categories)
  • Manufacturer information
    • Manufacturer name
    • Serial number
    • License number/ reference to license contract
  • Version
  • Modification history of the CI Record
    • Date of creation
    • Modifications
      • Description of modification
      • Date
      • Person in charge
  • Location
  • Status history (description of the life cycle of a CI with status values, as for example „Undergoing Test“, ..., „Active“, ..., „Undergoing Maintenance“, ..., „Out of Operation“, ...)
    • Present status
    • Status history (historical Changes to the status of the CI or Changes planned for the future)
      • Status change
      • Description
      • Time and date of the Change in status
  • Relationships to IT Services
  • Relationships to other CIs, e.g.
    • Is a component of
    • Is associated with
    • Uses
    • Is a characteristic of
    • Is a new version of
    • Will be replaced by
  • Relationships to other data objects within Service Management
    • Incident Records
    • Problem Records
    • Known Errors
    • Change Records
  • Relationships to documents
    • Contractual documentation
    • Operating documentation
    • User documentation
    • Emergency-relevant documentation
    • Other documentation


By:  Stefan Kempter , IT Process Maps.