ITIL Process Chains

Chains across multiple ITIL processes illustrate the interaction of the different ITIL disciplines in practice. They make it easier to understand how the basic ideas behind ITIL find themselves translated into the ITIL processes.
ITIL Core Topics Explained: Process Chains within the IT Organization
No matter whether ITIL is presented in the form of a book or a conventional ITIL process diagram - it is always demanding not to lose one's way amongst the large number of individual processes (for example: "Where does the budget for this Change come from?"), as the user always has only one single page in a book or the description of one individual process in front of him.
Some ITIL disciplines appear to overlap each other, so that it is often not easy to decide where one process ends and another begins. In practice it must be ensured however, that the most important procedures – as for example the integration of new or changed application systems into the productive IT environment – function without friction, and that the participating processes are co-ordinated with each other in a seamless way.
Illustrations of the ITIL Core Topics as process chains
It is exactly those important chains of processes that are visualized here. They help to get an insight into how the ITIL disciplines co-operate in practice:
Handling of an Incident

- a complete illustration of the steps from incident registration in the Service Desk through to incident solution and closure.
Click the caption to the left to see the enlarged ITIL process diagram as a pdf file!
Updating the CMDB

- the different ways leading to a CMDB update
Click the caption to the left to see the enlarged ITIL process diagram as a pdf file!
Introduction of New Technologies into the IT Infrastructure

- the co-operation of processes within the IT organization for the introduction of new technologies (who is taking the initiative? how does the new technology become part of the productive IT environment?)
Click the caption to the left to see the enlarged ITIL process diagram as a pdf file!
Emergence of New or Changed Applications

- the co-operation of processes within the IT organization for the development of new or the change of existing applications (who is taking the initiative? how does the new application system become part of the productive IT environment?)
Click the caption to the left to see the enlarged ITIL process diagram as a pdf file!
Planning the IT Budget

- the way from budget requests through to the actual release of budgets for IT projects/ procurements
Click the caption to the left to see the enlarged ITIL process diagram as a pdf file!