Request Fulfilment

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ITIL Request Fulfilment: Overview

Process Objective: To fulfil Service Requests, which in most cases are minor (standard) Changes (e.g. requests to change a password) or requests for information.

Part of: Service Operation

Process Owner: Incident Manager

ITIL Request Fulfilment: Process Definition

ITIL Request Fulfilment Management

Request Fulfilment was added as a new process to ITIL V3 with the aim to have a dedicated process dealing with Service Requests. This was motivated by a clear distinction in ITIL V3 between Incidents (Service Interruptions) and Service Requests (standard requests from users, e.g. password resets).

In ITIL V2, Service Requests were fulfilled by the Incident Management process.


No sub-processes are specified for ITIL Request Fulfilment.


Use the following links to open the process overview of Request Fulfilment showing the most important interfaces:

ITIL Terms: Request Fulfilment

Service Request
A request from a user for information, or advice, or for a standard change or for access to an IT service. For example to reset a password, or to provide standard IT services for a new user. Service Requests are usually handled by a service desk or a request fulfilment group, and do not require an RFC to be submitted.
Service Request Status Information
A message containing the present status of a Service Request, usually sent to a user who earlier requested a service.

Additional Information on Request Fulfilment

ITIL Roles

Incident Manager - Process Owner
The Incident Manager is responsible for the effective implementation of the process "Incident Management" and carries out the respective reporting procedure.
He represents the first stage of escalation for Incidents, should these not be resolvable within the agreed Service Levels.
1st Level Support
The responsibility of 1st Level Support is to register and classify received Incidents and to undertake an immediate effort in order to restore a failed IT Service as quickly as possible.
If no ad-hoc solution can be achieved, 1st Level Support will transfer the Incident to expert Technical Support Groups (2nd Level Support).
1st Level Support also processes Service Requests and keeps users informed about their Incidents' status at agreed intervals.
Service Request Fulfilment Group
Service Request Fulfilment Groups specialize on the fulfilment of certain types of Service Requests.
Typically, 1st Level Support will process simpler requests, while others are forwarded to the specialized Fulfilment Groups.

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