Basic Ideas behind ITIL

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The two illustrations below highlight the main issues ITIL seeks to address:

Traditional Setup of the IT Organisation

Traditional Setup of the IT Organisation

Traditionally, there are two separate channels for the communication between the IT organisation and the client: Agreements concerning new applications or those to be altered are concluded between client and Application Development, whilst issues concerning operations are subsequently settled with the production personnel.

This approach involves two decisive risks:

  • Operational requirements, ensuring the error-free running of an application, are insufficiently considered during the development phase.
  • IT Operations is not fully able to control the release of applications into the productive environment; this might cause unforeseen side effects.

Setup of the IT Organisation according to ITIL

Setup of the IT Organisation according to ITIL

An implementation method based on ITIL has to resolve these particular problems by placing IT Service Management after Application Management and ICT Infrastructure Management: Thus, IT Service Management mediates between development and production on the side of the IT organisation, and the client on the business-side.

The activities in Application Development and IT Operations are now co-ordinated and all the communication with the clients is directed via one central channel.