Checklist Protocol Disaster Practice

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Revision as of 16:41, 3 August 2013 by Andrea (talk | contribs)

Checklist Disaster Practice - Template Disaster Practice
Checklist Disaster Practice - Template Disaster Practice


ITIL Process: ITIL Service Design - IT Service Continuity Management

Checklist Category: ITIL Templates - IT Service Continuity Management

Source: Checklist "Protocol Disaster Practice" from the ITIL Process Map V2


The protocol of a disaster practice serves to summarise the information with regards to the preparation, progress and evaluation:

  • Basic data for the disaster practice
    • Trigger for the practice (e.g. audit, regular practice, ...
    • Practice approved on ... by ...
    • Practice category (e.g. training of organisational procedures, training of a technical procedure)
    • Practice objectives
    • Practice duration
      • Planned
      • Actual
    • Practice mode (announced/ unannounced)
    • Practice type (simulation, real-world practice)
  • Protocol (action-log with time-stamps)
    • Receipt of disaster notification
    • Assessment of events and causal analysis
    • Decisions as to measures against the effects caused by the disaster
    • Implementation of those measures
    • Completion of those measures and transition into normal or standby operation
  • Statements as to the achievement of the practice objectives
  • Identified shortcomings during the practice
  • Required measures for the improvement to disaster preparation
    • Description
    • Person in charge
    • Target date