KPIs Service Desk and Incident Management

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<seo metakeywords="kpi incident management, kpis incident management, itil incident kpi, itil service desk kpi" metadescription="Service Desk and Incident Management: The most important ITIL KPIs - ITIL Key Performance Indicators." />

KPI's Service Desk and Incident Management
KPI's Service Desk and Incident Management

ITIL Process: ITIL 2011 Service Operation - Incident Management

Source: Key Performance Indicators for ITIL Incident Management from the ITIL Process Map V3



Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Definition
Number of repeated Incidents Number of repeated Incidents, with known resolution methods
Incidents resolved Remotely Number of Incidents resolved remotely by the Service Desk
  • (i.e.without carrying out work at user's location)
Number of Escalations Number of escalations for Incidents not resolved in the agreed resolution time
Number of Incidents Number of incidents registered by the Service Desk
  • grouped into categories
Average Initial Response Time Average time taken between the time a user reports an Incident and the time that the Service Desk responds to that Incident
Incident Resolution Time Average time for resolving an incident
  • grouped into categories
First Time Resolution Rate Percentage of Incidents resolved at the Service Desk during the first call
  • grouped into categories
Resolution within SLA Rate of incidents resolved during solution times agreed in SLA
  • grouped into categories
Incident Resolution Effort Average work effort for resolving Incidents
  • grouped into categories


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