KPIs Service Portfolio Management

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<seo metakeywords="kpi service portfolio management, kpis service portfolio management, itil service portfolio management kpi" metadescription="Service Portfolio Management: The most important ITIL KPIs - ITIL Key Performance Indicators." />

KPI's Service Portfolio Management
KPI's Service Portfolio Management

ITIL Process: ITIL V3 Service Strategy - Service Portfolio Management

Source: Key Performance Indicators for ITIL Service Portfolio Management from the ITIL Process Map V3

Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Definition
Number of Planned New Services Percentage of new services which are developed, being triggered by Service Portfolio Management
Number of Unplanned New Services Percentage of new services which are developed without being triggered by Service Portfolio Management
Number of Strategic Initiatives Number of strategic initiatives launched from the Service Portfolio Management process
Number of New Customers Number of newly won customers
Number of Lost Customers Number of customers which were lost to competing service providers

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