IT Operations Control

From IT Process Wiki

<seo metakeywords="it operations control, itil operations control, itil operations, itil operation control itil" metadescription="ITIL IT Operations Control: ITIL process definition - Sub-processes - Terms - Additional information on IT Operations Control." />

DE - IT Operations Control
DE - IT Operations Control


IT Operations Control aims to monitor and control the IT services and their underlying infrastructure. The process IT Operations Control executes day-to-day routine tasks related to the operation of infrastructure components and applications. This includes job scheduling, backup and restore activities, print and output management, and routine maintenance.

Part of: Service Operation

Process Owner: IT Operations Manager


ITIL IT Operations Control

IT Operations Control Process

ITIL does not provide a detailed explanation of all aspects of IT Operations, as the activities to be carried out will depend on the specific applications and infrastructure components in use.

Rather, ITIL 2011 (ITIL V3 2011 Edition) highlights common operational activities and assists in identifying important interfaces with other Service Management processes.

IT Operations Control ITIL
ITIL IT Operations Control

In ITIL 2007, IT Operations Control activities were covered in the process "IT Operations Management".


No sub-processes are specified for IT Operations Control.



Use the following links to open the process overview of IT Operations Control showing the most important interfaces:


ITIL Roles

IT Operations Manager - Process Owner
An IT Operations Manager will be needed to take overall responsibility for all of the IT Operations Management activities. He will ensure that all day-to-day operational activities are carried out in a timely and reliable way.
IT Operator
IT Operators are the staff who perform the day-to-day operational activities.
Typical responsibilities include: Performing backups, ensuring that scheduled jobs are performed, installing standard equipment in the data center.


Responsibility Matrix: IT Operations Control
ITIL Role / Sub-Process IT Operations Manager IT-Operator
IT Operations Control
(no sub-processes specified)
A[1] R[2]



[1] A: Accountable according to the RACI Model: Those who are ultimately accountable for the correct and thorough completion of the IT Operations Control process.

[2] R: Responsible according to the RACI Model: Those who do the work to achieve a task within IT Operations Control.