KPIs Service Evaluation

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<seo metakeywords="kpi service evaluation, kpis service evaluation, itil service evaluation kpi" metadescription="Service Evaluation: The most important ITIL KPIs - ITIL Key Performance Indicators." />

KPI's ITIL Service Evaluation
KPI's ITIL Service Evaluation

ITIL Process: ITIL V3 CSI - Continual Service Improvement - Service Evaluation

Source: Key Performance Indicators for ITIL Service Evaluation from the ITIL Process Map V3

Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Definition
Number of Customer Complaints Number of received customer complaints
Number of Accepted Customer Complaints Number of received customer complaints which were accepted as justified
Number of Customer Satisfaction Surveys Number of formal Customer Satisfaction Surveys carried out during the reporting period
Percentage of Returned Questionnaires Percentage of questionnaires returned, in relation to all questionnaires being sent out
Number of Service Evaluations Number of formal Service Evaluations carried out during the reporting period
Number of Identified Weaknesses Number of weaknesses which were identified during Service Evaluation, to be addressed by improvement initiatives
Number of Improvement Initiatives Number of improvement initiatives, resulting from identified weaknesses during Service and Process Evaluation
Number of Completed Improvement Initiatives Number of improvement initiatives which were completed during the reporting period

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