Checklist Initial Analysis of an Incident

From IT Process Wiki

Checklist Initial Analysis of an Incident - Template Initial Analysis of an Incident
Checklist Initial Analysis of an Incident - Template Initial Analysis of an Incident


ITIL Process: ITIL Service Operation - Incident Management

Checklist Category: ITIL Templates - Incident Management / Service Desk

Source: Checklist "Initial Analysis of an Incident" from the ITIL Process Map V2  | ⯈  ITIL Process Map V3


Using the assignment of the Incident to CIs and to Product and Incident categories, the Support Knowledge Base is searched for:

  • Known Solutions
  • Known Workarounds
  • Known Errors

If it becomes apparent during the initial analysis that the attributions originally assigned were not applicable, these are corrected:

  • Relationships to CIs
  • Product category, usually selected from a category-tree according to the following example
    • Client PC
      • Standard configuration 1
      • ...
    • Printer
      • Manufacturer 1
      • ...
    • Incident category, i.e.
      • Hardware error
      • Software error
      • ...


By:  Stefan Kempter , IT Process Maps.