Checklist Emergency Plan

From IT Process Wiki

Checklist Emergency Plan - Template Emergency Plan
Checklist Emergency Plan - Template Emergency Plan


ITIL Process: ITIL Service Design - IT Service Continuity Management

Checklist Category: ITIL Templates - IT Service Continuity Management

Source: Checklist "Emergency Plan" from the ITIL Process Map V2  | ⯈  ITIL Process Map V3


The following information is recorded within the Emergency Plan:

  • Index of emergency-relevant documents and information
    • Checklists for fault-analyses
    • Possible modes of operation in an emergency (e.g. use of standby systems)
    • Possible Workarounds
    • Recovery procedures
    • Further documentation useful in an emergency
  • Emergency roles and contact lists
  • Alarm plan
  • Index of emergency-relevant access information (passwords, locations/ depositories for keys etc.)
  • Emergency-relevant contract data


By:  Stefan Kempter , IT Process Maps.