Checklist Closure of an Incident

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Checklist Closure of an Incident - Template Closure of an Incident
Checklist Closure of an Incident - Template Closure of an Incident


ITIL Process: ITIL Service Operation - Incident Management

Checklist Category: ITIL Templates - Incident Management / Service Desk

Source: Checklist "Closure of an Incident" from the ITIL Process Map V2  | ⯈  ITIL Process Map V3


The following entries of an Incident Record are investigated for their integrity and completeness during the closure of an Incident:

  • Protocol of actions
    • Person in charge
    • Support Group
    • Time and Date
    • Description of the activity
  • History of status changes, for example
    • "New" into "Initial Analysis Completed"
    • "Initial Analysis Completed" into "Assigned to 2nd Level Support"
    • ...
    • "Resolved" into "Closed"
  • Documentation of applied Workarounds
  • Documentation of the root cause of the Service interruption
  • Documentation of the applied resolution to eliminate the root cause
  • Date of the Incident resolution
  • Date of the Incident closure


By:  Stefan Kempter , IT Process Maps.